Friday, December 27, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Fitness at Home
I know it can be tough finding time to work out during the holidays, especially if you have kids at home or guests. You can fit an at home workout in any time of the day and modify it to fit your timeframe. Try this one, warm up for 3 minutes first by stepping side to side and marching in place. Then cool down after with stretching. You will feel refreshed, beat stress and get fit all in one!! Happy at home workout :)
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
10 Tips For Healthy Holiday Eating
The holiday season is a time to celebrate with family and friends. Unfortunately, for many it also becomes a time for over-eating and weight gain.
Over a lifetime, holiday weight gain can really add up. The holidays don't have to mean weight gain. Focus on a healthy balance of food, activity, and fun. By implementing a few simple tips you can stay healthy through the holiday season.Ten Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating
- Be realistic. Don’t try to lose pounds during the holidays, instead try to maintain your current weight.
- Plan time for exercise. Exercise helps relieve holiday stress and prevent weight gain. A moderate and daily increase in exercise can help partially offset increased holiday eating. Try 10- or 15-minute brisk walks twice a day.
- Don’t skip meals. Before leaving for a party, eat a light snack like raw vegetables or a piece of fruit to curb your appetite. You will be less tempted to over-indulge.
- Survey party buffets before filling your plate. Choose your favorite foods and skip your least favorite. Include vegetables and fruits to keep your plate balanced.
- Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed. Savor your favorite holiday treats while eating small portions. Sit down, get comfortable, and enjoy.
- Be careful with beverages. Alcohol can lessen inhibitions and induce overeating; non-alcoholic beverages can be full of calories and sugar.
- If you overeat at one meal go light on the next. It takes 500 calories per day (or 3,500 calories per week) above your normal/maintenance consumption to gain one pound. It is impossible to gain weight from one piece of pie!
- Take the focus off food. Turn candy and cookie making time into non-edible projects like making wreaths, dough art decorations or a gingerbread house. Plan group activities with family and friends that aren’t all about food. Try serving a holiday meal to the community, playing games or going on a walking tour of decorated homes.
- Bring your own healthy dish to a holiday gathering.
- Practice Healthy Holiday Cooking. Preparing favorite dishes lower in fat and calories will help promote healthy holiday eating. Incorporate some of these simple-cooking tips in traditional holiday recipes to make them healthier.
- Gravy — Refrigerate the gravy to harden fat. Skim the fat off. This will save a whopping 56 gm of fat per cup.
- Dressing — Use a little less bread and add more onions, garlic, celery, and vegetables. Add fruits such as cranberries or apples. Moisten or flavor with low fat low sodium chicken or vegetable broth and applesauce.
- Turkey – Enjoy delicious, roasted turkey breast without the skin and save 11 grams of saturated fat per 3 oz serving.
- Green Bean Casserole — Cook fresh green beans with chucks of potatoes instead of cream soup. Top with almonds instead of fried onion rings.
- Mashed Potato — Use skim milk, chicken broth, garlic or garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese instead of whole milk and butter.
- Quick Holiday Nog — Four bananas, 1-1/2 cups skim milk or almond milk, 1-1/2 cups plain nonfat yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon rum extract, and ground nutmeg. Blend all ingredients except nutmeg. Puree until smooth. Top with nutmeg.
- Desserts — Make a crustless pumpkin pie. Substitute two egg whites for each whole egg in baked recipes. Replace heavy cream with evaporated skim milk in cheesecakes and cream pies. Top cakes with fresh fruit, fruit sauce, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar instead of fattening frosting.
Enjoy the holidays, plan a time for activity, incorporate healthy recipes into your holiday meals, and don't restrict yourself from enjoying your favorite holiday foods. In the long run, your mind and body will thank you.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Shakeology Benefits
Getting enough protein to build a lean, strong, body is essential. Getting a nutrient-packed, well-balanced meal when you barely have time to stand in one place is also a huge concern. Women are busier today than we’ve ever been. We have demanding careers, children and partners who need our time and attention, causes and organizations to which we’re committed and then….somewhere in there….our own needs to see to as well. The two things most commonly left by the wayside are healthy meals and a good night’s sleep.
Why Use Shakeology
Shakeology shakes are a solution to both our nutritional needs and our busy schedules. They’re fast, portable and you can customize the ingredients to meet your specific needs and tastes.
Once you have a few favorite recipes on hand, you can choose a shake to suit your mood and your needs. You can get a great post-workout dose of protein and carbs, a nutrient-packed meal on the run or even a healthy and satisfying dessert shake. The flavor variations are limitless and you can use ingredients that deliver the most nutrition and are in season and at their peak.
The ingredients in Shakeology are like no other, and hands down give you a full day's dose of nutrtition without sugar, fillers and synthetic ingredients!
Whatever you do, steer clear of the prepared protein shakes you see on the supermarket shelves. Most of them contain far too much sugar, a ton of artificial ingredients and are made with inferior protein sources.
How to Get the Most Benefit
Use Shakeology after a workout, or as a meal or snack anytime of the day.
I also strongly urge you to use organic fresh ingredients in your shakes. Why add chemicals and toxins to your body while you’re trying to nourish it?
When making shakes as a meal replacement or a healthy snack, you can rest assured Shakeolgy contains essential fats already but you can add coconut or almond milk and nut butters. Healthy fats not only help you to feel full and satisfied, they also help your body to metabolize the vitamins and minerals you are taking in.
Berries and other fruits are also great to add to shakes, not only for their taste, but for their vitamin content, particularly their B-vitamins. These and other low-glycemic fruits give you just enough energy and vitamins (plus added fiber) without delivering too much sugar. Aside from berries, bananas, peaches and pineapple are good choices.
When to Use to Get the Most Benefits
You can drink a Shakeology shake anytime you like as long as you’re not overdoing the calories.
A well-balanced shake can mean the difference between a healthy breakfast and no breakfast at all for especially busy mornings. Many women have a hard time getting anything more than coffee into their bodies in the mornings because of the early morning chaos of getting themselves and their kids out the door.
A shake is a great pre- or post-workout meal option as well. It can supply the nutrients you need to power through your workouts and to deliver protein to your muscles after your strength-training sessions.
You can also use shakes as a healthy dessert or sweet treat. Much better for you than giving in to that ice cream craving!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
3 Day Cleanse
Feeling a little sluggish after Thanksgiving or want a way to help you stay on track through December? You can try the Shakeology 3 day cleanse with me! It's not some crazy detox diet where you starve yourself and take who knows what kind of pills. It's meant to help jumpstart your nutrition and rid your body of bloating and excess. Shakeology is packed full of nutrients, you can get all your veggies for the day in one drink! I absolutely love it!! I have great energy, skin and hair and have been drinking it for a year now. I can't imagine a day without it :)
During the 3 days you will follow this guide here, Shakeology, green tea and whole foods. Simple enough? :) It's 45$ and can be shipped to you. comment here or email me at for the details to set you up. If you decide you love Shakeology after that you can order full size bags too! I'd love to help you, you will have a free Beachbody account with me as your coach for fitness and nutrition help :)
Friday, November 29, 2013
Love Your Body
We all have insecurities. It's part of life, and with a world full of pressures it's no wonder!
You can learn to love your body, even celebrate it and live a healthy life.
1. Stop picking yourself apart.Even those with so-called perfect bodies would like to change something! It's a waste of your time, life's too short. I've had 4 kids and but often am too critical of my abs and even become timid about posting pictures of myself. I instead focus on the amazing things my body can do for me :)
2. Be productive
Think about the time you spend worrying about your body shape and weight. What could you accomplish in that same time doing something good? Consider the things you are capable of that don't rely on your looks at all!
3. See reality
Alot of images you see may not be real and there's no point in trying to achieve something that's fake! Comparing ourselves to others takes away from the amazing qualities we each have :)
4. Change your "inner voice"
List all the negative ways you talk to yourself and replace them with positive ones! Even write them on sticky notes and post them around your home. Speak to yourself the way you would to someone you love! You deserve it.
5. Exercise to be strong and healthy and take care of your body
What kind of exercise do you love to do? Find one that is fun for you and makes you feel good. Don't starve yourself or workout til you're dying just to be skinny. Don't focus on quick fixes, focus on a lifestyle that you feel good about and can be proud of! Exercise and be a role model to your kids while taking care of yourself too.
If you have ever thought of helping to motivate others to love their body and makes healthy changes you can join me on my mission! Fill out this application:
Fill out my form!
If you would like a little motivation and support, that's why I'm here! You can join one of my support groups to get healthy and feel great. Fill out this application:
Fill out my form!
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Well, I'm feeling the Holidays officially have started. Christmas music is already play in a local radio station and I'm planning menus for parties. My goal is to continue in my healthy living and have fun too. So I know that requires planning for some balance. It is totally do-able as I have done so for 15 years. Time commitments are hard too right now, you don't want to feel you're stretched in too many directions!
Good thing there is an easy way to eat healthy and stay fit in a mini challenge group with me. It's 2 weeks (reasonable right?), you get tips for keeping yourself on track, and a yummy source of nutrition to keep your energy up! Not to mention, it's fun! I can give you all the details to get set up with me, comment here or email me at Let's do this together!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Quick and Easy Snack Ideas for Kids
Here are a few quick, easy, and healthy snack suggestions:
- Fresh fruit. Nothing's better than fresh fruit: It's colorful, sweet and juicy, packed with vitamins and minerals, and full of fiber. Serve sliced apple, orange sections, half a sliced banana, or a small bowl of sliced grapes, or give your child a handful of mixed berries. Toddlers love finger food, making this an easy and fun way to enjoy a nutritious snack.
- Dips. Your child is learning to feed himself so let him mix and dip his favorite foods. You might be surprised at the combinations your young one is willing to try — let him explore and have fun. Give him a couple of wedges of whole wheat pita bread paired with a tablespoon or two of hummus. Strawberries and apple slices go well with creamy yogurt, and whole grain pretzels taste great with a variety of sweet and savory mustards.
- Mini-pizza. Toast half a whole wheat English muffin and spread about a tablespoon of marinara sauce on it. Add a tablespoon of shredded cheese and broil in the oven until the cheese melts. (It only takes a minute.)
- Parfait party. Layer a small bowl or dessert glass with one-third cup of vanilla yogurt, one-quarter cup of chopped fruit, a few berries, or banana slices. Sprinkle a little granola on the top.
- Mini-quesadilla. Sprinkle half a small corn tortilla with a tablespoon of shredded cheese and microwave for 20 seconds. Fold in half and cut into small pieces. Serve with a small bowl of mild salsa for dipping.
- Mini-waffles. Toast half a frozen whole grain waffle and top with a spoonful of yogurt and some fresh fruit.
- Vegetables. Get your toddler in the habit of snacking on vegetables. Fresh veggies like cooked, chopped carrots or green beans, roasted kale and (thinly sliced) sweet potato "chips," and steamed broccoli or cauliflower are nutritious treats.
- Frozen fruit bars. The best of these frozen treats contain chunks of real fruit. You can buy them in the store or make them yourself with 100 percent juice and chopped, fresh fruit. Try orange, pineapple, peach, and banana, to name a few. They're a great summer refresher (and especially fun for your child to help you make).
- Fruit juice. Make sure it's 100 percent fruit juice with no added sugar, and limit your child to no more than three-quarters of a cup daily. For a healthy, balanced snack, try a small glass of juice and a couple of whole grain crackers with a tablespoon of cream cheese or a thin layer of smooth peanut butter.
- Fruit shakes. Throw half a banana, one-quarter cup of milk, and a handful of berries in your blender, and you've got a nutritious shake. You can add yogurt for more flavor, protein, and calcium. For the best consistency, use frozen fruit.
- Orange Freeze. Blend half a peeled orange with a cup of ice in an electric blender. Adjust the flavor with a little sweetener.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Travel Tips for Staying Fit
Some tips for staying healthy on the go as many of you are taking off for the Holidays!
- Cook ahead and pack a cooler: Have food prepared and packed before you go, this prevents drive thru dilemmas. Zip-locks work well and save space
- Check out hotel ammenities: Many have refrigerators and a microwave
- Stock up: Once you arrive, hit the grocery store for healthy foods
- Have your snacks handy: Keep oatmeal, nuts, fruits and Shakeology handy to prevent candy or chip eating.
- Prepare for fitness: Pack running shoes and exercise bands. These are go anywhere items!
- Dine out smart: Request healthy preparations from your waiter and plan what you will eat before going in.
- Eat before: Eat a protein rich meal or snack before attending your event. Then you can reduce all those cravings for tempting items.
- Drink lots of water: Dehydration can be mistaken for hunger!
- Get up and around: If you have a long road trip, stop to get out and walk around.
- Enjoy your time, finding balance is the key!
Monday, November 11, 2013
10 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water In the Morning
10 Benefits to Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning
1) Aids Digestion. Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body. It’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that is required for digestion. Lemons are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, belching and bloating. The American Cancer Society actually recommends offering warm lemon water to cancer sufferers to help stimulate bowel movements.
2) Cleanses Your System / is a Diuretic. Lemon juice helps flush out unwanted materials in part because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body. Therefore toxins are released at a faster rate which helps keep your urinary tract healthy. The citric acid in lemons helps maximize enzyme function, which stimulates the liver and aids in detoxification.
3) Boosts Your Immune System. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. They’re high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) found in lemons demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects, and is used as complementary support for asthma and other respiratory symptoms plus it enhances iron absorption in the body; iron plays an important role in immune function. Lemons also contain saponins, which show antimicrobial properties that may help keep cold and flu at bay. Lemons also reduce the amount of phlegm produced by the body.
4) Balances pH Levels. Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. Sure, they are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood. Disease states only occur when the body pH is acidic. Drinking lemon water regularly can help to remove overall acidity in the body, including uric acid in the joints, which is one of the primary causes of pain and inflammation.
5) Clears Skin. The vitamin C component as well as other antioxidants helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes and it helps to combat free radical damage. Vitamin C is vital for healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne. It can actually be applied directly to scars or age spots to help reduce their appearance. Since lemon water purges toxins from your blood, it would also be helping to keep your skin clear of blemishes from the inside out. The vitamin C contained in the lemon rejuvenates the skin from within your body.
6) Energizes You and Enhances Your Mood. The energy a human receives from food comes from the atoms and molecules in your food. A reaction occurs when the positive charged ions from food enter the digestive tract and interact with the negative charged enzymes. Lemon is one of the few foods that contain more negative charged ions, providing your body with more energy when it enters the digestive tract. The scent of lemon also has mood enhancing and energizing properties. The smell of lemon juice can brighten your mood and help clear your mind. Lemon can also help reduce anxiety and depression.
7) Promotes Healing. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), found in abundance in lemons, promotes wound healing, and is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of healthy bones, connective tissue, and cartilage. As noted previously, vitamin C also displays anti-inflammatory properties. Combined, vitamin C is an essential nutrient in the maintenance of good health and recovery from stress and injury.
8) Freshens Breath. Besides fresher breath, lemons have been known to help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis. Be aware that citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so you should be mindful of this. No not brush your teeth just after drinking your lemon water. It is best to brush your teeth first, then drink your lemon water, or wait a significant amount of time after to brush your teeth. Additionally, you can rinse your mouth with purified water after you finish your lemon water.
9) Hydrates Your Lymph System. Warm water and lemon juice supports the immune system by hydrating and replacing fluids lost by your body. When your body is deprived of water, you can definitely feel the side effects, which include: feeling tired, sluggish, decreased immune function, constipation, lack of energy, low/high blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of mental clarity and feeling stressed, just to name a few.
10) Aids in Weight Loss. Lemons are high in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings. Studies have shown people who maintain a more alkaline diet, do in fact lose weight faster. I personally find myself making better choices throughout the day, if I start my day off right, by making a health conscious choice to drink warm lemon water first thing every morning.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Clean Eating Snacks 101
One of the "rules" of clean eating is to eat small meals throughout the day. At each meal or snack you should try to have a protein and a complex carbohydrate.
Snacks are an important part of clean eating. Snacks keep you from bingeing, keep you satisfied in between meals and keep your blood sugars at healthy levels. Your best bet is to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables but there are healthy and clean processed snacks available.
Here are some snack ideas. Mix and match to get in a protein and a carb.
Hummus with vegetables (carrots, peppers, etc) or blue corn chips
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts)
Apple with natural nut butter
Unsweetened applesauce
Lara Bars
Dried fruit
Sunflower Seeds
Trail mix
Salsa or taboula with blue corn chips
Fresh fruit
Dates rolled in coconut or crushed almonds (I buy these pre-made at The Fresh Market)
Cottage cheese
Smoothies (fruit, a little greek yogurt or almond milk and some ice)
Hard boiled eggs
Greek yogurt (add fresh fruit for flavor)
Whole grain crackers
Rice chips
Almond Joy Mix (1 tbsp slivered almonds, 1 tbsp dark chocolate chips, 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut)
Almond milk
Ezekial Bread with nut butter
Chicken salad (made with greek yogurt)
Rice cakes (plain)
Flax seed chips
Chocolate (70% or more)
Whole grain mini-bagels
Protein bars. Check out Miss Fitness Life for some recipes.
Vegetable chips
Green bean chips
Kale chips
Zucchini Paremesan Chips (I'd use panko instead of regular bread crumbs)
Homemade potato chips (Slice a potato very thin, place on parchment paper and spray with a little oil. Sprinkle with salt. Cook in the microwave for several minutes until browned and crispy.)
If you would like to learn more about clean eating and would like to join one of my support groups please fill out the form below! We can talk about your goals and set up a plan for you :)
Fill out my form!
Snacks are an important part of clean eating. Snacks keep you from bingeing, keep you satisfied in between meals and keep your blood sugars at healthy levels. Your best bet is to stick to fresh fruits and vegetables but there are healthy and clean processed snacks available.
Here are some snack ideas. Mix and match to get in a protein and a carb.
Hummus with vegetables (carrots, peppers, etc) or blue corn chips
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts)
Apple with natural nut butter
Unsweetened applesauce
Lara Bars
Dried fruit
Sunflower Seeds
Trail mix
Salsa or taboula with blue corn chips
Fresh fruit
Dates rolled in coconut or crushed almonds (I buy these pre-made at The Fresh Market)
Cottage cheese
Smoothies (fruit, a little greek yogurt or almond milk and some ice)
Hard boiled eggs
Greek yogurt (add fresh fruit for flavor)
Whole grain crackers
Rice chips
Almond Joy Mix (1 tbsp slivered almonds, 1 tbsp dark chocolate chips, 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut)
Almond milk
Ezekial Bread with nut butter
Chicken salad (made with greek yogurt)
Rice cakes (plain)
Flax seed chips
Chocolate (70% or more)
Whole grain mini-bagels
Protein bars. Check out Miss Fitness Life for some recipes.
Vegetable chips
Green bean chips
Kale chips
Zucchini Paremesan Chips (I'd use panko instead of regular bread crumbs)
Homemade potato chips (Slice a potato very thin, place on parchment paper and spray with a little oil. Sprinkle with salt. Cook in the microwave for several minutes until browned and crispy.)
If you would like to learn more about clean eating and would like to join one of my support groups please fill out the form below! We can talk about your goals and set up a plan for you :)
Friday, November 8, 2013
One Day Of Clean Eating and Exercise
Workout: T25 Cardio
Before Workout: Shakeology with Almond milk and frozen banana
After Workout: 1 cup cooked oatmeal with chopped apple and cinnamon, 4 egg whites scrambled and black coffee
snack: 2 celery stalks with 1 T Almond or peanut butter
Lunch: Chicken breast sliced on raw spinach with tomato 1/2 c black beans and salsa or lemon
Snack: 1/4 c hummus with pepper slices
Dinner: Baked salmon with a roasted sweet potato, broccoli and olive oil
Snack: strawberries, a small handful of cashews and herbal tea
Before Workout: Shakeology with Almond milk and frozen banana
After Workout: 1 cup cooked oatmeal with chopped apple and cinnamon, 4 egg whites scrambled and black coffee
snack: 2 celery stalks with 1 T Almond or peanut butter
Lunch: Chicken breast sliced on raw spinach with tomato 1/2 c black beans and salsa or lemon
Snack: 1/4 c hummus with pepper slices
Dinner: Baked salmon with a roasted sweet potato, broccoli and olive oil
Snack: strawberries, a small handful of cashews and herbal tea
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Principles of Clean Eating
Clean Eating 101
This is such a huge passion of mine! It has literally saved my health and given me a new way to think about food and how it works in our bodies.
What does a typical day of eating look like?
7:00 meal #1 or breakfast
10:00 Meal #2 or mid morning snack
1:00 Meal #3 or lunch
4:00 Meal #4 or mid afternoon snack
7:00 meal #5 or dinner
10:00 meal #6 or snack
These times will vary depending on your own life schedule, but it's a glimpse. If you are hungry you may want to eat every 2 1/2 hours as opposed to 3. Our bodies are all different and so are our activity levels.
1. Eat more! Six small meals
Sounds crazy huh? Starving yourself will only slow your metabolism! You need to keep the "fire" burning by fueling your body every few hours. This also prevents you from getting too hungry and making bad choices.
2. Eat breakfast within an hour of rising
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So often said but so very true. It revs up your metabolism and has been proven to keep you from over eating the rest of the day. It also improves brain function. If you are going to work out in the morning, eat 1/2 your breakfast before and 1/2 after. Such as Shakeology and oatmeal with fruit and nuts.
3. Make your last meal 3 hours before bed, unless you are truly hungry then have meal #6.
It doesn't really matter when you eat but night eating has been a problem for many and often is mindless snacking in front of the tv on junk.
4. Eat lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal
Timing of meals is important but what you pair together is key. Nutrient dense foods keep you satisfied, and you keep your blood sugar level even by combining these. Proteins such as fish, chicken, and lean beef and carbs such as fruits, veggies and whole grains and starches will feed your body right.
5. Eat healthy fats each day
Fat does not make you fat, sugar does! Our bodies need these fats for brain function and energy. You will notice better skin and less belly fat also. Nuts, seeds, avocados and oily fish will do the trick. Bad fats are trans, saturated and man-made such as margarine.
6. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day
Water should be your drink of choice. Our bodies are actually 75% water! Your brain, organ, joints and digestion depend on water. People often mistske hunger for thirst so reach for a glass before grabbing food!
7. Carry a cooler packed with clean food everywhere
This requires planning ahead, but once it's a habit you will be so glad you did it. You no longer will have to fret about what to grab when you're out. You will know you are armed and ready.
8. Depend on fruits and vegetables for fiber, nutrients and enzymes
Eating clean is not just about losing weight, it's also how you will gain a powerhouse of nutrition in your daily diet. These keep you full and prevents many health ailments.
9. Adhere to portion sizes
Protein should be roughly the size of your palm. Starches should be the size of your hand cupped, and fruits the size of two hands cupped. A fat serving is 1 tablespoon. Vegetables are unlimited.
10. Stick to foods that have not been processed
In other words, whole foods that know where they came from. A banana is a banana, not something made in a factory. Real foods give you a huge bang for your buck.
The bulk of it? 80% of your results come from the food you put in your body while 20% com from exercise!
This is such a huge passion of mine! It has literally saved my health and given me a new way to think about food and how it works in our bodies.
What does a typical day of eating look like?
7:00 meal #1 or breakfast
10:00 Meal #2 or mid morning snack
1:00 Meal #3 or lunch
4:00 Meal #4 or mid afternoon snack
7:00 meal #5 or dinner
10:00 meal #6 or snack
These times will vary depending on your own life schedule, but it's a glimpse. If you are hungry you may want to eat every 2 1/2 hours as opposed to 3. Our bodies are all different and so are our activity levels.
1. Eat more! Six small meals
Sounds crazy huh? Starving yourself will only slow your metabolism! You need to keep the "fire" burning by fueling your body every few hours. This also prevents you from getting too hungry and making bad choices.
2. Eat breakfast within an hour of rising
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So often said but so very true. It revs up your metabolism and has been proven to keep you from over eating the rest of the day. It also improves brain function. If you are going to work out in the morning, eat 1/2 your breakfast before and 1/2 after. Such as Shakeology and oatmeal with fruit and nuts.
3. Make your last meal 3 hours before bed, unless you are truly hungry then have meal #6.
It doesn't really matter when you eat but night eating has been a problem for many and often is mindless snacking in front of the tv on junk.
4. Eat lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal
Timing of meals is important but what you pair together is key. Nutrient dense foods keep you satisfied, and you keep your blood sugar level even by combining these. Proteins such as fish, chicken, and lean beef and carbs such as fruits, veggies and whole grains and starches will feed your body right.
5. Eat healthy fats each day
Fat does not make you fat, sugar does! Our bodies need these fats for brain function and energy. You will notice better skin and less belly fat also. Nuts, seeds, avocados and oily fish will do the trick. Bad fats are trans, saturated and man-made such as margarine.
6. Drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day
Water should be your drink of choice. Our bodies are actually 75% water! Your brain, organ, joints and digestion depend on water. People often mistske hunger for thirst so reach for a glass before grabbing food!
7. Carry a cooler packed with clean food everywhere
This requires planning ahead, but once it's a habit you will be so glad you did it. You no longer will have to fret about what to grab when you're out. You will know you are armed and ready.
8. Depend on fruits and vegetables for fiber, nutrients and enzymes
Eating clean is not just about losing weight, it's also how you will gain a powerhouse of nutrition in your daily diet. These keep you full and prevents many health ailments.
9. Adhere to portion sizes
Protein should be roughly the size of your palm. Starches should be the size of your hand cupped, and fruits the size of two hands cupped. A fat serving is 1 tablespoon. Vegetables are unlimited.
10. Stick to foods that have not been processed
In other words, whole foods that know where they came from. A banana is a banana, not something made in a factory. Real foods give you a huge bang for your buck.
The bulk of it? 80% of your results come from the food you put in your body while 20% com from exercise!
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Healthy Life: November Fitness
Healthy Life: November Fitness: I am blessed to work with a company that gives back! When you and I decide on a workout and nutrition plan that fits your goals, Beachbody...
November Fitness
I am blessed to work with a company that gives back! When you and I decide on a workout and nutrition plan that fits your goals, Beachbody will give you 20$ cash back and donate 20$ to help those in need. I will be here to coach you through and cheer you on. We can be thankful that someone else is getting the nutrition they need too. Contact me to talk about what's important to you this season!
Friday, November 1, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Cinnamon Bun Shake
Cinnamon Bun Shake
1/2 frozen banana
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp pure maple syrup
1 scoop Vanilla Shakeology
My Story
Hi, I'm Tami. I wanted to share a little bit of my story with you that has led me to where I am today. I'm 38, I'm a wife to a wonderful man named Mark and a mother to 4 beautiful boys, ages 15,10,6 and 19 months. I stay at home and I feel more than blessed with this life I've been given. My journey has had ups and downs, and I'm a work in progress but so thankful. I've learned alot about myself and my strengths, as well as my weaknesses. I was diagnosed with not one, but two digestive disorders in 2008. I have Crohn's disease and Celiac. It took two years of searching and seeking to find out what was happening to my body. It was a frustrating and painful time physically and mentally. Doctors told me I'd be on a steroid medication for the rest of my life and would need to learn to live with it. Well, the fighter inside me came out and I knew that was unacceptable! I was not willing to settle for a grim outcome. Up until that point I had learned a great deal about health and how the body works. My knowledge couldn't have come in handy at any better time than this! I continued learning and teaching myself about food and exercise and how they affect the body. My health started improving drastically to the point of remission from the Crohn's. I was feeling amazing and wanted to help others feel good too but never quite knew how I was going to do that. I have had people asking me questions about eating and exercise for years now and I'm always so excited to see people transform in that way! I was going along great for the most part with only a few rare flareups and moments of fatigue, so I again sought out how to better my nutrition. About 1 year ago I came upon this drink Shakeology. It is difficult for me to find foods I can tolerate, I eat a very strict diet to keep myself from having health issues. So I thought I'd try it, expecting fully that it would be a "no-go" for me. There was a vegan option so that's what I bought. First off, it tasted amazing! Alot of things over the years have seemed like eating or tasting cardboard to me, and my food needs to taste good:) After drinking it for a while a began to notice how much energy I had and my skin was so nice. I even started giving it to my baby! I knew I had found something awesome. No digestive reactions for me, I couldn't believe it. I knew about the Beachbody Company and what it offered. It was helping people do some awesome things with their lives and it was so inspiring! So I did some research on the fitness programs and bought Chalene Extreme off one of my friends. I loved it!! I however fully intended to just go about my way and not pursue being part of the company. I was following alot of women on Instagram who were doing great things with their fitness and drinking Shakeology. Come to find out some were Beachbody Coaches. One evening I came across an application to become a coach. That was my "aha" moment. It was like a lightbulb came on. All this passion I had for healthy living and the knowledge I'd acquired through my experiences came together. I knew how I would help people change their health for the better. I wanted everyone to know about this shake I was drinking and how great it feels to be fit and active. So I applied and there was no looking back! This is what I was meant to do, and what I absolutely love to do. Thank you for letting me share. Tami
If you would like to join one of my fitness or healthy eating groups fill out this application so we can chat!Fill out my form!
In addition, if you have ever considered becoming a coach yourself, to help others change their lives, fill out this coach application :)Fill out my form!
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