Monday, December 9, 2013

Shakeology Benefits

Getting enough protein to build a lean, strong, body is essential. Getting a nutrient-packed, well-balanced meal when you barely have time to stand in one place is also a huge concern. Women are busier today than we’ve ever been. We have demanding careers, children and partners who need our time and attention, causes and organizations to which we’re committed and then….somewhere in there….our own needs to see to as well. The two things most commonly left by the wayside are healthy meals and a good night’s sleep.
Why Use Shakeology
 Shakeology shakes are a solution to both our nutritional needs and our busy schedules. They’re fast, portable and you can customize the ingredients to meet your specific needs and tastes.
Once you have a few favorite recipes on hand, you can choose a shake to suit your mood and your needs. You can get a great post-workout dose of protein and carbs, a nutrient-packed meal on the run or even a healthy and satisfying dessert shake. The flavor variations are limitless and you can use ingredients that deliver the most nutrition and are in season and at their peak.
The ingredients in Shakeology are like no other, and hands down give you a full day's dose of nutrtition without sugar, fillers and synthetic ingredients!
Whatever you do, steer clear of the prepared protein shakes you see on the supermarket shelves. Most of them contain far too much sugar, a ton of artificial ingredients and are made with inferior protein sources.
How to Get the Most Benefit 
Use Shakeology after a workout, or as a meal or snack anytime of the day.
I also strongly urge you to use organic fresh ingredients in your  shakes. Why add chemicals and toxins to your body while you’re trying to nourish it?
When making shakes as a meal replacement or a healthy snack, you can rest assured Shakeolgy contains essential fats already but you can add coconut or almond milk and nut butters. Healthy fats not only help you to feel full and satisfied, they also help your body to metabolize the vitamins and minerals you are taking in.
Berries and other fruits are also great to add to shakes, not only for their taste, but for their vitamin content, particularly their B-vitamins. These and other low-glycemic fruits give you just enough energy and vitamins (plus added fiber) without delivering too much sugar. Aside from berries, bananas, peaches and pineapple are good choices.
When to Use to Get the Most Benefits
You can drink a Shakeology shake anytime you like as long as you’re not overdoing the calories.
A well-balanced shake can mean the difference between a healthy breakfast and no breakfast at all for especially busy mornings. Many women have a hard time getting anything more than coffee into their bodies in the mornings because of the early morning chaos of getting themselves and their kids out the door.
A  shake is a great pre- or post-workout meal option as well. It can supply the nutrients you need to power through your workouts and to deliver protein to your muscles after your strength-training sessions.
You can also use shakes as a healthy dessert or sweet treat.  Much better for you than giving in to that ice cream craving!

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