Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Ultimate Reset

What is the Ultimate Reset?
Why Reset?
Our environment has become more and more toxic. Our bodies absorb pollution and
harmful chemicals all our lives, along with the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the
water we drink. These toxins can get stored in our bodies, clogging our cells and
slowing down their natural functions.

It's not enough just to work out and eat right.  Sometimes you need to
take a break from the everyday and find a way to get those toxins out of your body.
Along with getting in shape on the outside, you have to start getting healthy on the

What is the Beachbody Ultimate Reset?
The Ultimate Reset is a complete, three-phase, 21-day program that
provides everything you need to:
• Phase 1: Reclaim your body's natural balance.
• Phase 2: Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you.
• Phase 3: Restore your system to its maximum health.

What are the benefits of the Ultimate Reset?
In just 21 days, the Ultimate Reset can help you gently restore your body to its original
factory settings," to help you:
• Have more energy and greater focus
• Experience better digestion and a more positive mood
• Enable your body to function more efficiently
• Lose weight
• Improve your overall health

What the Ultimate Reset is NOT:
• A starvation diet. (You'll eat three filling, healthy meals every day.)
• An abrupt cleanse that's hard on the body. (The supplements work together
gradually to gently shift your body's internal settings.)
• A laxative-based, colon-focused cleanse, which fails to truly detoxify the whole
body. (You won't be running to the bathroom every hour!)

What's included?
Six Essential Supplements:
The Ultimate Reset Nutritionals are uniquely formulated to help restore your body to
optimal health.
• Alkalinize – Helps maintain alkalinity.
• Oxygenize – Helps provide supplemental oxygen to the body.
• Mineralize – Adds natural minerals needed by the body.
• Detox – Helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.
• Revitalize – Helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.
• Optimize – Promotes healthy metabolism and effective body functions.* Program and Nutrition Guide
• Detailed step-by-step instructions on your 21-day Reset journey.
• Plus a 3-week eating plan with recipes, cooking tips, shopping lists, and more.

Two DVDs:
• Reset Your Health! Includes a complete program overview, instructions for
getting started, and Success Stories to help motivate you.
• Cooking Class! Provides an overview of the foods recommended in your Reset,
including sample meal-preparation.

How is the Beachbody Ultimate Reset different from other cleanse programs?
• The Ultimate Reset isn't a crash diet or a synthetic meal replacement.
• It's an integrated, whole-body reset solution—a step-by-step program that lets
you have real food, provides specially formulated supplements, and teaches you
conscious living techniques that work to detoxify and restore your body.
• You'll not only help return your metabolism to optimal function, but you'll learn
conscious self-care behaviors that can help you maintain better health, even after
your Reset.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What is the 21 Day Fix?

What is the 21 Day Fix?
It is a brand new and amazing 21 day workout and healthy eating program! It is for any fitness level and is comprised of all the components of living healthy that you need! There are cardio, resistance and stretching workouts all only 30 minutes.
There is also a very creative and effective meal planning system. One of the biggest struggles people have is portion control. In this program there are portion controlled measuring containers so you can learn how to put your meals together! Amazing!!
It is all broken down day by day for 21 days. You can keep track of your progress. You will be feeling better and on your way to a great change for better health at the end of only 21 days!
Are you interested in making a change and starting a new fitness program? It takes 21 days to form a habit, and anyone can make a go of it for 21 days!!
Fill out this application so I can get to know you and your goals and let's get you started. It is available now, so don't wait to make a new start.

Fill out my form!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My Next Fitness and Nutrition Group

Are you wondering where to begin on your health and fitness journey? Have you thought about what your goals are to start living a healthy life? That's where I come in! I can help you break it all down and talk with you about a plan that helps you work on your specific goals. I will coach and mentor you daily in a private, online Facebook group to get where you want to be! We will decide on a fitness and nutrition plan that I will support you through from beginning to end.
My next group will begin on February 3rd. If you leave your email, contact me at or message me on my Facebook we can talk about your goals!

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Thursday, January 16, 2014

What is a Fitness and nutrition Challenge Group?

What can you expect in a Fitness and Nutrition Challenge group with me?
First of all it is the best way to achieve the results you are looking for!
You will be part of a group of people who are all trying to improve their health. I, as your coach, will be there to guide you though your own personal journey.
It is a private online group where you can feel free to share your bad days and your great days. I will provide daily posts on motivation, eating healthy and exercise tips for your program.
I will teach you how to make your own meal plan so that you can adopt a new lifestyle for yourself for the long run, not just a temporary diet.
You have the opportunity to connect with the other members and know you are not alone! It is a support system, it's a place for accountability.
If this sounds like something for you, please email me at or comment here. I would absolutely love to have you and see you reach your goals!!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Health and Fitness Coaching

I have begun on what I feel is an amazing crusade to help people get their lives back with health and fitness! I am thankful to be part of a team that cares and wants so much to give back! Through this journey my passion for others has also helped me grow as a person!
I also am building a team with individuals who have a passion for health, fitness and others. I feel we could impact the lives of so many as a team!
You don't need to have all the answers or be a fitness guru, just a fire inside to go out there and make a difference.
I do this from the comfort of my home, often in pj's! I have 4 kids and a household to run so this has been perfect! I can talk to people all over the country without leaving the house.
I am looking for some individuals who want to make a difference! There will be an opportunity for you to apprentice and learn how to do what I've been doing with total support and a positive plan.  Please click on the form link below and fill out an application for coaching, I'd love to chat with you and see if this a good fit for you and add you to my awesome team! 
Fill out my form!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Keep Your Motivation

How will you keep your motivation going? 
The biggest killer is setting unachievable, overwhelming goals. When your goal is too unspecific and too far out there, you don't ever get there, you quit. Unattainable goals tend to lead to being driven by only external factors. Like the scale or size of your jeans. These goals can motivate you to a point but they only work for so long. You'll have trouble going all the way if outside forces are your only focus.
If you want long-term success you must find internal motivators. such as, gaining energy from exercise or sleeping better because you're more fit. These are far more important to your life, and you're more likely to keep going.

It takes 21 days to form a new habit, so if you can get yourself through those first days you are well on your way! Each time you repeat your new behaviors, you increase the strength of your motivation. The stronger your habit, the more it becomes automatic!
You also will see results after those initial 3 weeks and that will add to those inner motivators and be key.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

10 Reasons To Drink Water

1.Your body is made up primarily of water.
When you're properly hydrated, about two-thirds of your body is water—muscle tissue is even higher, at around 70 percent, while fat is less. Muscle powers your body and fat protects it. Put two and two together, and you may infer that water is vital to the things that make your body do stuff. When you don't drink enough water, your body declines into a state we call dehydration. Get too dehydrated, and your body will not function properly, which isn't too surprising when your body's low on such a vital nutrient. (Your body can be as much as up to 65 percent water!)

2. You don't need to drink 65 percent of your weight in water each day.
This is because, one, if you lost all the water in your body, you'd be dead, and two, that water makes up most of all the living things on our planet. Since we eat living—or recently alive—things, we get some water from the things we eat. When we cook things, they lose their water. This means that the more raw whole foods you eat, the less water you need to drink. Fruits and veggies lead the group of water-rich foods and contain around 95 percent water. If you eat a lot of plants, you can drink less water. But if you don't . . .

3. There is more to hydration than just your water levels.
Chemicals in your body react with water so that you can function. We lose water in the form of sweat, and sweat is made up of water and body "salts," which are mainly sodium, chloride, and potassium, but they also include magnesium, calcium, and so on. These are called electrolytes and, basically, are the reason that salt is such a vital component in your diet. Salt is a mixture of sodium and chloride, but generally, we use the term "salts" in reference to electrolytes. Too much salt is bad and too little is bad. Both can kill you. This is why, like water, the amount you consume should be directly related to the workload your body is put under. More P90X® or ChaLEAN Extreme® equals more sweat, meaning that you need more water and more salt.

4. What about water weight? Some people are afraid to drink a lot of water because they're afraid of gaining "water weight." This is the opposite of what you should do. Water weight is a term for your body holding on to excess water because it's not getting enough. The best way to get rid of water weight is to drink more water. It works two ways. If you don't drink enough water or if you eat too much salt in your diet, your body hoards water. This water/salt relationship is referred to as your electrolyte balance.

Generally, there's an easy way to tell if you need more water or salt; because most people drink too little water and eat far too much salt—especially those who eat in restaurants. So when you aren't exercising, you almost never need more salt. When you are exercising, getting enough salt becomes an issue. Endurance athletes are ever aware of the need to have enough salt to avoid a condition called hyponatremia, a condition that results when you've had too much water and not enough salt, basically just dehydration from a different angle. Those who don't exercise outdoors excessively almost never have to worry about this condition.

5. So what does water do for you?
You'll often hear claims that water helps chemical reactions, regulates your body temperature, and lubricates your joints, eyes, and spinal cord. Sure, it does all of this stuff. In fact, since you're mostly made up of water, a case can be made that it does almost everything. So why split hairs? Your body doesn't work, at all, without being fed a lot of water. You can live days, weeks, and, sometimes, even months without food. But you can't live even a few days without water.

6.Itchy skin. Dry skin. Constipation. Sneezing. Dry cough, headaches, nosebleeds, and acne.
These are common ailments related to drinking too little water. Since water regulates your body's functions, it makes sense that minor glitches in bodily functions may be related to not drinking enough water. And this is just a partial list of common ailments. Many symptoms blamed on allergies are probably due to living in a dehydrated state. When you are properly hydrated, your body can better defend itself.

7. The above symptoms may be worse in the winter.
Water is required just to breathe, and you lose water through your mouth and lungs. During winter, when the air is dry, more water is required. Add forced heat in the air—like from home heating systems and fires—and the situation is exacerbated. This means that you need to drink extra water in the winter when it's cold, even though you are probably less thirsty.

8. Water and your immune system.
During winter, lack of water will dry out the mucous membranes of your lungs, gut, and sinus passages and lessen your resistance to disease. These barriers protect your body against bacteria, viruses, and pollutants when you're fully hydrated and intact. Allowing them to dry out could be the leading cause of the common cold and allergic symptoms, not to mention things like constipation, sinusitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and long-term diseases like hemorrhoids and colon cancer.

9. Water and fat loss.
We haven't yet discussed the importance of fat mobilization for energy and its relation to weight loss and effective exercise because, well, that sounds complicated. Anyway, water is the main component of this action. A well-hydrated body has higher levels of oxygen in the bloodstream, translating into an increased ability to burn fat as fuel. The more efficiently you burn fat as fuel, the more effectively you exercise, leading to a better overall body composition.

10. How much water?
It's said you need about 8 glasses of water a day. However, this will vary due to your activity level and environmental conditions. As a general rule, add a couple of glasses during the hot days of summer and the dry, cold nights of winter. During exercise, you may lose a quart an hour or more. While all liquids provide water, sugar, diuretics (caffeine, etc.), and carbonation reduce the hydration effect. Combining all three, as in soda, can reduce the hydration efficiency of the liquid to almost nil.