Monday, September 8, 2014

My Top Health Tips

Whether you have been into fitness and health for a long time or are just starting out, there are a few things I have found worked for me to be successful and stay on track.
If you can develop a consistent routine your chances improve greatly!

1. Start your day with a warm glass of lemon water to improve digestion and wake your body up. It's an easy thing to do with amazing benefits! Read this article for more information:Warm Lemon Water
2. Schedule your workouts, and have a fitness game plan in mind. It always helps to have a goal set with a measurable time to reach it and to put it on your calendar each day. You can track your progress and see how far you've come.
3. Plan out your meals for the week. Even if it's only dinner, you then won't have the struggle of worrying about what to eat. You can shop for your food on the weekend and even prepare things ahead of time for busy days.
4. Love your body! You are unique and made the way you are for a reason. Don't try and be like you think you should be, strive to be the healthiest person you can be for yourself.
5. Have a coach or accountability partner. Having someone to check in with is huge for motivation! You can share your struggles and triumphs and get guidance. Connect with me here for coaching!
I hope this helps get you started or helps get you back in the game. You are worth it and deserve to be healthy and happy!

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